
10 Things I'd Make Happen if I were in Charge

I have good ideas and plenty of opinions. Since nobody really asks me what I think, I thought I'd compile a list here of things that would happen if I were in charge.

1. Daylight Savings Time wouldn't be a thing. Seriously, all it really does is mess up everybody's schedule and make it light way too late in the summer. We just "fell back". Let's not "spring forward" ever again.

2. Speed traps would be eliminated. In fact, all speeding tickets would be gone. Instead, there would be tickets for douchebag drivers. Tailgating, passing on the right, doing the speed limit (or below) in the fast lane, cutting somebody off, not allowing traffic to merge when you're in the right lane, not pulling over for funeral processions...those people get tickets! Also, Driver's Ed classes would have a lesson on driving courtesy. It can be called "How not to be a douchebag."

3. Fair Tax would be implemented. You can read all about it here. In a nutshell, income tax is eliminated. Sales tax is raised. If you're frugal, you won't pay as much. However, the drug dealers and illegal aliens that fall through the cracks now will pay now. Also, the tax will already be added in. There would be some sticker shock at first, but no surprises at the cash register. Get on it, government!

4. It would be mandatory for everyone to work a food service job and retail at Christmas time once in their life to teach humility. Also, restaurants would have to pay their servers a decent wage and tips would be only for exceptional service.

5. It would be illegal to mow your lawn before 9am. After 10 would be preferred.

6. There would be no talking about Santa in any non-magical capacity on tv EVER. Those late evening shows eventually run on afternoon syndication. Seriously, Hollywood, just stop.
7. Cars would be made with steel bumpers again. My first car was a 1985 Chevy Citation. I backed it into a few things and never even had a dent. If I did that with my car today, I'd crack the plastic bumper and be looking at a $3000 repair. Bring back metal, car companies. 

8. CBS shows would be on Netflix. Make a deal already! Friends should be added too, NBC!

And the last 2 are things mentioned in this article that I 100% agree with!

9. Prescription drug commercials wouldn't be a thing either. Why do I need to be THAT informed? Also, when a side effect is death, that drug shouldn't even be on the market.

10. Public restroom stalls would be made more private. Goodbye, stall gap! 

I'll get off my soapbox and quit my bitchin'. At least you guys know where I stand. :) What else do you think should be add to the list? 

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