
Pregnancy // 1st Trimester

I'm still here, you guys! I took a little unplanned hiatus. Turns out 1st trimester fatigue actually equals total and complete exhaustion. I'm so thankful and excited to be in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy and actually have enough energy to blog. Today I just want to catch you up on what's been going on with me and I kind of wanted to document the first trimester. I know I'll want to remember what it was like when we plan for the next baby! 

I'm going to start at week 5, because the only symptom I had before that was super sore boobs! That still hasn't subsided! I was also completely exhausted until about week 14. I'm so lucky to have a job that allowed me to work an extremely abbreviated schedule. I don't know how woman work full time in the beginning of pregnancy! Seriously, you ladies are superheroes!

Week 5 
✦ Craved milk, whole milk, like crazy! 

Week 6
✦ Nauseated around the clock 
✦ Grossed out by most smells 
✦ Couldn't even THINK about drinking milk!

I also had my first ultrasound that week and got to see this little button (the baby is the bottom blob) and were excited and relieved to hear the heartbeat! With my previous pregnancies, we never got to hear a heartbeat.

3 days later I had some spotting and nearly lost my mind with worry! They did another ultrasound and the baby was just fine. I have a septate uterus. It's like the septum that divides your nostrils, only it divides my uterus. The bleeding was coming from one side and the baby's heart was beating away on the other. You'd be surprised how different the baby looked in just 3 days, but it went from blog to seahorse. Of course, that convinced me that we were having a mermaid. Sadly, they didn't send me home with any photographic proof!

Weeks 7-9 
✦ Nauseated 24 hours a day
✦ Couldn't stand the smell of coffee and had to stop drinking it 
✦ Varied from day to day what I could stomach 
✦ Craved meat but couldn't stand to smell it cooking
✦ Ice cream and donut always sounded good (but not together)
✦ Still couldn't drink milk
✦ Everything I drank had to be ice cold

Week 10-12
✦ Spring pollen kicked in and I couldn't tell if I was less nauseous or if I just felt so bad in my sinuses that I didn't notice it as much

I had my nuchal scan ultrasound in week 12 and they measured the fluid in the back of the baby's neck to check for neural tube defects. Everything was fine and it was so exciting to see the baby moving around so much. The baby completely turned around and snuggled in while we watched!

Did you guys know that your not done with the first trimester until about 13 1/2 weeks? Sneaky 40 week gestation! 

Weeks 13-14
✦  Finally becoming less nauseated and not as exhausted! 
✦ Started showing instead of just looking chubby in the middle 
✦ I think I felt the baby flip over too, but just one time so far!

I have to tell you, I think the 2nd trimester is where it's at. I don't have tons of extra energy or anything. I just relieved to feel relatively normal! I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow and I have a doctor's appointment this week. Sadly, I don't get my next ultrasound for another month so I'll be waiting impatiently to find out gender! Place your bets now!

By the way, don't worry that my blog will turn into a pregnancy-only blog. While it will be monopolizing my time in the near future, I also have a lot of non-pregnancy related projects that I want to share with you soon (and need to finish before the baby arrives)!


  1. Oh, this just makes me so happy. I am glad baby is doing okay! Hope you continue to feel better and so glad you are updating!

  2. Terri LynnJuly 07, 2014

    I know this post is 2 yrs old, but hopefully you see this. I was wondering if you could post the dimensions of your spice rack (h x w x d). I'm thinking my hubby might be able to make something like this for me. I really like the look of yours. :)


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