
Just the Tip #6

It's no secret that creepy-crawlies give me the heebie jeebies. It puts quite a damper on this time of year, which is a real bummer because I absolutely LOVE fall. Right now, we're having a stink bug invasion. They hang out on all the doors and windows and just can't wait to sneak in. I have to bat them away every time I let the dogs out. And that leads me to today's tip....

I found a great way to keep stink bugs away and it involves a super useful household product...DRYER SHEETS!
Keep Stink Bugs Away with Dryer Sheets -So You Guys Blog

Take a dryer sheet and wipe down your window screens and screen doors with a dryer sheet. You can wipe down the door with them too. Apparently, stink bugs don't like strong smells. Like they have any room to talk! That's all you do! So easy and it works like a charm!

Wipe down your baseboards with a dryer sheet while you're at it and you won't have to dust them as often!

If you're not sure what a stink bug is, or if you just want more information on them. You can find it here.

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