
Snapshots // 2.17.14 // iPhone Edition

With all the snow we've gotten the last 2 months, I haven't been out doing a lot of shooting with my "real" camera. I still take pictures about everyday with my iPhone. Here's a selection from last week.
Every fresh snow, we end up with the same set of bunny tracks. I guess he's a creature of habit & our yard is in his path....or maybe he juste likes to visit my flamingos. I can't say I'd blame him. They look darn cute in the snow. I should probably knit them some scarves though...

Maya & Gus practicing their horseback riding skills...or watching for their Daddy to come home. Whichever.
Brought this Kokopelli belt buckle home from work. I'll take all the fertility god help I can get. It'd be funny if Josh wore it. Really, it's just hanging out on my nightstand. Hopefully it'll bring us some luck!
I love my new giant desk, but every time I sit down & try to work. One of the cats will get between me & Picasso. Fortunately, there was room for this makeshift cat bed. Satch LOVES it. The other 2 are onto my schemes...


  1. Allena MistralFebruary 17, 2014

    I love the gigantic tub of Mod Podge on your shelf!! Where do i get one of those??

  2. Snow is just too much.. can't even imagine living in a place with it. Too freezing!!

  3. Praying for you guys and a future baby. Love that your sister sent you that.

  4. Hahaha! It does look huge in the picture! Sorry to disappoint, but it's a mere 8 oz.

  5. Girl! It's been BITTER this year. I actually LOVE snow, but it's just been way to cold.


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